
Crystal Clear Gives Back

Crystal Clear Water Gives Back

On November 18th, 2019, David Cannestra, owner of Crystal Clear Water, saw Fox 4 news’ report about a family living in Cape Coral who had a broken water pump, no water, and a water company refusing to honor their warranty. David saw this family’s unfortunate situation and knew that he had the ability help, which is precisely what he did! David immediately reached out to the Cowell family and offered to repair the issue at hand with absolutely zero cost to them. In just a few hours time, the Crystal Clear Water team provided the Cowell family with a brand new water pump which brought flowing water back into their home once again. The team was deeply touched by the Cowell family’s gratitude in response to their labor of love. David Cannestra and his team are honored to be able to help others in need, such as this deserving family.

“Makes me feel good about myself and the company and what we can do for people. And that’s the most important thing is helping the community when you can, and you’re able to,” said David Cannestra, Owner of Crystal Clear Water.

At Crystal Clear Water, we care about the wellbeing of our community and strive to inform and provide help to people with the most basic human essential; water.

Click here to view full Fox 4 News article

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