
Well water runs low in Cape Coral

CAPE CORAL, Fla. – People who rely on well water in Cape Coral are struggling with water levels running low, or completely empty with the recent dry weather.

New construction and dry season is keeping Dave Cannestra, the owner of Crystal Clear Water, and his team busy this time of year.

“We get ready for it, we know it’s coming, we work late all hours throughout the night,” Cannestra said. “Right now the water table keeps going lower and lower and we’re seeing water tables about 140 feet, 3 years ago they used to be around 90 feet.”

Modris Reinbergs experienced the same issue with his water table. At first, he didn’t even realize it was his well that was the problem, Reinbergs said.

“All of the sudden especially in the mornings there would be no water, no pressure, nothing, we thought it could be electrical, we thought it could be a pump problem, the pump was gone, ” said Reinbergs.

Reinbergs’ home was built in 1989, which means the original pump isn’t as deep as homes built after 2007. But, fixing the problem can come with a hefty price tag.

“The effect was pretty serious on the pocketbook, it was $1,900 to have the pump lowered to where it would get water and there was no guarantee,” said Reinbergs.

Cannestra said if you’re not checking your water table you could run into issues like a pump going bad and a high electric bill. On the plus side, if you are checking, especially during dry season you can take a repair and make it $700, versus $7,000.

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