Water, Water, Everywhere, But is any of it good to drink? Water is a part of life in Southwest Florida. Between our lakes, rivers, canals, lagoons, the Gulf of Mexico, and our rainfall, water is literally falling from the sky. But do you need a whole house water filter in SWFL? Here are a few reasons you do.

Clean Water Tastes Better

Get a Whole House Water Filter in SWFL

There is plenty of water in SWFL. But I doubt you want to drink what is in the Caloosahatchee. If you get your water from a city source, the water is treated and filtered at the plant, and is okay quality. However Florida tap water has been ranked as some of the worst in the country. After it leaves the water processing facility, your city water travels through miles of underground pipes that are decades old before it reaches your home. This can lower the quality of the water even more, and add unpleasant flavors, or aromas to the water. A whole house water filter in SWFL gives your home clean, pure water from any tap eliminating those unpleasant flavors and aromas.

Clean Water Is Healthier

As water travels from processing plants to your home, it can pick up copper, iron, and even lead from the pipes it travels through. In addition, an Associated Press Investigation found that “A vast array of pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans”. Now sure, pharmaceuticals are helpful when you need them, but not when you don’t. A good whole house water filter in SWFL will remove all of these impurities and give you clean, healthy water that you will love to drink.

Clean Water Saves Your Appliances

Sediments in water can clog up your appliances. I had a friend in Cape Coral who told me that he was cleaning his shower heads every 6 months and replacing them every year. If the city water is doing that to your shower head, imagine what it is doing to your dishwasher, laundry machine, and water heater. Those appliances cost a heck of a lot more then a shower head or sink faucet. If you have hard water, and it is ruining your faucets, it is ruining your appliances as well.

A Whole House Water Filter In SWFL Saves You Money

The costs of appliances and faucets alone can exceed the cost of a whole house water filter in SWFL. Add in a case or two of bottled water a week for 52 weeks a year, and you can start to see how buying a filtration system can save you money in the long run. In addition to those costs, having hard water, or other materials dissolved in your city water can leave rust stains on your walls and driveway, calcium, rust and lime stains on your showers, tubs and sinks, and all that stuff in your water can make your clothes dingy. Filtering your water before it can do that damage will save you money on cleaning chemicals, and pressure washing. It will also make your clothing last longer, and look better.

So what are you waiting for? Call Crystal Clear Water today and one of our expert team members can test your water, find out what you need, and go over options with you that match your needs and budget. We can get you the best whole house water filter in SWFL installed, and a price that you will love. Call us today!

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