Are you looking for ways to remove particles and contaminants from your water? A Reverse Osmosis System may be what you need! This is a certain type of filtration system that helps to purify your water. It uses a semi-permeable membrane that the water passes through. As the water passes, the salts, lead, mercury, calcium, and some bacteria get rejected.

The water that streams through the membrane (permeate) is pure and clean. In the other stream, the contaminants become concentrated.

Reverse Osmosis can also control corrosion. It has the ability to reduce the water’s conductivity and remove chloride ions. The biggest difference between Reverse Osmosis systems and other filtration devices is the fact that RO can remove dissolved contaminants. This system helps reduce build-up in faucets, pipes, and ice machines. This also helps with the taste of the water that you will very likely notice.

Stages of RO Systems

Did you know, there are three to five stages of the filtration process? There are pre-filters and post-filters involved.

The Sediment Filter helps to reduce the particles, dirt, and rust from getting through.

The Carbon Filter works to reduce chlorine and contaminants. This filter is especially important for the smell and taste of the water.

The Semi-Permeable membrane works to get rid of all the dissolved solids that could come through. Solids such as salt, sulfur, and calcium are common. This process is important to make sure that the water has gone through each stage.

As the water first comes through the system, it has to go through the pre-filtration process. This can include the sediment and/or the carbon filter. This may vary depending on where you live and what your current water situation is. This process helps to remove sediment so that it doesn’t damage the membrane in the next step. When it hits the semi-permeable membrane, the dissolved particles are then removed. For reference, these particles are so microscopic, you would never know they existed. This fact alone makes this system so valuable!

The water then transfers to the storage tank. As the system continues to work, this tank will be full of water for you to use. Once it is full, the system actually shuts off until you need more water in the tank.

What Does it Remove?

Depending on where you live, you may have different concerns about what could be in your water. If your issue is the taste or smell, that could be a specific contaminant. If you know that certain pesticides could be in the water, that could be something else. Before you invest in a reverse osmosis system, here are some things that it does remove:

  • Fluoride
  • Sale
  • Arsenic
  • Sodium
  • Copper
  • Lead
  • Nitrate
  • Calcium
  • Some impurities that may not get removed by reverse osmosis are:
  • Certain pesticides
  • Some Chlorine
  • Herbicides

Other than that, this system is fantastic at removing the majority of contaminants.

Maintaining Your RO System

With any filtration system, you are going to need regular maintenance on it. You will need this to make sure that it is working well and in good condition. With most systems, you will want to have the filters changed every twelve months. If you choose to not do this, it could allow contaminants to enter your water. These systems should have a very long life span if taken care of from the beginning and get regular maintenance done. It also depends on what all is in your water. If you know for a fact that your water has more particles and impurities, you may have to get it checked out more often. The different streams and filters could get built up after time and you will need to have these changed out.

There are some things that may happen if you are having issues with your system. You may notice no water coming out. You may see a continuous drain and that it will not shut off. You may also notice a bad smell or taste coming from your water. Do not ignore these signs and make sure you call us to come check on the system. We want to help you avoid any leaks or lack of running water in your home.

Another way you can prolong the life span of your reverse osmosis system is by draining the storage tank every few weeks. The system is always working to make sure that you have water available. This means the tank should always be full. If you are not home, go out of town, or are not using it as often, draining it is important. This will help to refill the take with freshwater and help the quality of your drinking water. You should notice a pretty distinct difference by doing this every few weeks to months.

Also, there are sanitizing solutions that you can use to make sure the tank is clean. This does not have to take place as often, but every couple of years this should happen to keep slime away!

Reverse Osmosis systems are very beneficial for your home! If you are seeking cleaner, better-tasting water, this is a great option. You can buy filters that remove hard particles, but this is the next level. These systems work to remove microscopic solids so that you and your family do not have to have concern about what you are drinking. For more information on these systems, give us a call. We would love to talk to you more about it and how you can get this for your home.

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