Bacteria And Viruses

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there could be as many as 12 million cases of waterborne acute gastrointestinal illness annually in the United States alone. These illnesses are frequently caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa that make their way into the water supply. And unfortunately, these contaminants can survive in the environment for months. Even well operated, state-of-the-art treatment plants cannot ensure that drinking water is entirely free of microbial pathogens. System failures do occur, and not all systems are functioning at the levels they should. And bottled water, which is unregulated and varies considerably, may not offer any more safeguards against pathogens than tap water.

If you’re concerned about the safety of your water supply, contact your Crystal Clear Water Professional for a free water test and in-home plumbing audit. They’ll get you reliable facts you can act on with confidence, and give you dependable options if your water needs treatment.

What are e. coli and coliform bacteria?

Coliform are a group of several types of bacteria from the same family which typically live and reproduce in the intestines of animals. Coliform bacteria can also be found in soil, surface water, and plants–anywhere animal feces may be present.  E. coli is an abbreviation for Escherichia coli, a genus, and species of bacteria. E. coli is a member of the coliform group and is the predominant bacteria in the gut of warm-blooded animals. The fact that it originates only in warm-blooded animals makes E. coli a better indicator than coliform of the potential for human diseases. A water test will give you results for both E. coli and total coliform. The presence of E. coli in water indicates direct contamination with fecal matter and therefore, the presence of disease-causing microorganisms.

Why wasn’t my water tested for all microorganisms that cause diseases?

There are numerous water-borne diseases, each requiring a different method of detection; therefore, it is impractical to look for all the possible disease-causing microbes in water. Testing for Coliform is a good alternative to looking for all the disease-causing microbes. When coliform are found in groundwater, this indicates that the groundwater is being affected by surface water or surface activities. Because coliform originate on the land surface, it is used as a tracer for disease-causing bacteria. Since E. coli must originate in the gut of a warm-blooded animal, its presence indicates contamination from animal feces and the high likelihood of disease-causing organisms being present as well. Since testing for a specific disease-causing organism is impractical, testing for total coliform and E. coli are considered the best way to determine whether or not a water supply is protected from microbial contamination. Water containing any total coliform or E. coli should not be used for drinking or cooking unless boiled for 5 minutes or otherwise disinfected.

What can cause a well to test positive for these bacteria?

Bacteria in wells usually comes from surface water that enters the well without first percolating through the soil and porous material above the water table. Your well can be contaminated if the well was improperly constructed, located in a depression that collects surface runoff, or can also occur during floods when floodwater overtops the well casing. Newly drilled or serviced wells will also contain these bacteria due to material entering the well from the surface. Shallow wells, less than 60 feet deep, are much more susceptible to contamination from bacteria than are deeper wells. Shallow groundwater may not be sufficiently filtered by the soil and porous material above the water table to remove surface bacteria. If a septic system is too close to the well or not working properly, this can be the bacteria source.

Other causes for contamination include:

  • Open wells, which can allow animals, such as rodents to fall into the well. Even the smallest opening will allow insects to travel in and out.
  • Backflow from outside hoses, caused by negative pressure in the plumbing, can bring dirty water back into the well.
  • Faulty check valves also contribute to this problem.
  • Groundwater does not contain a small amount of chlorine (as do most municipal water supplies) that serves to prevent bacterial growth within the plumbing.
  • Forgetting to regularly service water treatment filters can also allow bacteria to accumulate and grow.

What should be done to correct well contamination?

The well can be disinfected by a process known as shock chlorination, but unless the cause of contamination is discovered and corrected, the bacteria problem will return. Test your water again after all traces of the shock chlorination treatment are gone. If the bacteria are still present after repeating this treatment, your well may have an unseen problem, or the groundwater itself may be the source of the bacteria. You can still use this water for your household by installing a continuous disinfection system such as a chlorinator, ultraviolet light, or ozone system.

What are nitrates/nitrites?

Nitrates and nitrites are chemicals that can be found naturally in our environment. Two of the earth’s most common elements, nitrogen, and oxygen, combine to form these nitrogen-containing compounds. Nitrates are essential (needed) nutrients for plants to grow. Nitrates can be found in the air, soils, surface waters and groundwater.

How do nitrates get into the environment?

Nitrates are generally found in surface waters and shallow groundwater. Plants naturally release nitrogen when they die and decompose (rot). The nitrogen from the rotting plants oxidize (combine with oxygen) to form nitrates. During a rainfall, surface water can move through the soil and carry these nitrates down to the underground drinking water (groundwater). Other ways water can be contaminated with nitrates is through the use of products that contain large amounts of ammonia. Ammonia is oxidized (combines with oxygen) and forms nitrites. Liquid ammonia fertilizer spills can form nitrates that also make their way through the soil to the groundwater. Old and poorly maintained sewage systems and improper well construction can contaminate groundwater with nitrates as well.

Who is at risk to Nitrate/Nitrite exposure?

The persons most at risk of exposure to nitrates/nitrites are infants less than four-months-old who are fed formula made with nitrate-contaminated water. Pregnant women may be more sensitive to nitrates because their blood contains higher levels of methemoglobin. They may be especially sensitive at the 30th week of pregnancy. The elderly and people with chronic (on-going) health problems are also at risk of chemical exposure from nitrates/nitrites in drinking water.

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