One person states they drink from the refrigerator. Just to be clear, the refrigerator filter is only a carbon filter and it only removes a little chlorine from the water. It is better than nothing, but far from making the water how you would like it.

The only thing that will remove all or 98% of all unregulated Contaminants found in Cape Coral city water is reverse osmosis systems. Either whole reverse osmosis system or our under sink reverse osmosis systems

City water has lots of chlorine, the same amount as a pool. It’s your job as a homeowner to remove these toxic chemicals from your water before they enter your home.

There are thousands of unregulated chemicals in the city’s water. They do a good job getting you bacteria-free water. I mean the water comes from your toilet. So anything that goes in the toilet goes to the treatment plant. They then filter it all out as best they can. This means pharmaceuticals that are dumped in the toilet or extra that our body doesn’t absorb are in the water. They remove about 98% of everything in the water. However, they know the amount of chemicals leftover. They only test for a few. Usually when some make the news. Like Erin Brackavitch chemical chromium 6 hexevenalt was not regulated until the news got involved. Cape Coral tested 22 highest in the united states for hexavelant chromium 6. Then they started testing for it. Now, these new chemicals that are found in the water are unregulated. So the city of Cape Coral sends you a flyer in your monthly bill to tell you, hey by the way you have ” unregulated chemicals in your water”. They don’t tell you that there are thousands in the water or what chemicals they are. Cape Coral city water plant sent out this vague letter that covers them in a wide range of ways.

Did you know

Contaminants detected between 2010 and 2014 and were not part of EPA’s UCMR-3 testing program: Arsenic, Barium, Fluoride, Selenium, Antimony

Here is a story about the chromium 6 about a year ago from the Dr’s show

Cape Coral Water Test

See what Cape Coral cancer-causing chemicals in your water. As you will see Cape Coral’s City water have cancer-causing chemicals that are above health guidelines. Keep in mind the city is within their parameters. They are doing everything that is asked of them. These regulations of toxic chemicals in drinking water are all over the world and are allowed to do so. Everyone should be concerned with you and your family’s health. Why allow Cape Coral city water into your home before filtering it.

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