Chloramines are a disinfectant added to a water supply to kill off microorganisms. Chloramines form when chlorine and ammonia mix in the water supply. Chlorine is a popular disinfectant most commonly known for its use in pool water. Chlorine’s use for killing waterborne illnesses such as Cholera began in 1908. In 1908 public health officials saw chlorine kill typhoid and dysentery from water. It was then that these officials deemed chlorine necessary in water treatment.

Why Are Chloramines Present In My Water?

The reason for chloramines presence in water is to disinfect the water. Water treatment plants receive their water from aquifers, lakes, reservoirs, and similar resources. These water sources are teeming with bacteria and microorganisms that cause illness. To disinfect the water, the plants use chlorine and ammonia. Although these two chemicals remove many unwanted contaminants, they leave behind chloramines. Chloramines are safe for consumption up to 4mg/L, which most plants abide by. However, chloramines leave behind a plethora of unwanted side effects. Some undesired effects are eroding rubber, irritating skin conditions, and poor water taste.

Why Should I Remove Chloramines From My Water?

There are many reasons that you should remove chloramines from your water. Although in small quantities it is safe to drink, steering clear of any water additives is always best. Described below are several effects of water enhanced with chloramines.

Toxicity Effects

Owners or Aquarium or pond fish must be aware of the contents of the water used in the tank. Fish have delicate organ systems that do not handle chloramines. If using water with chloramines to refill or top off a fish environment, the fish may die as a result.

The same is true for farmers of hydroponic farms. Hydroponic farms utilize water and fish to help grow their crops. Chloramine water will taint the soil and deplete the nutrients. The result is a farm of fish and crops that have perished.

Medical facilities must also be careful to eliminate the presence of chloramines. While 4mg/L is safe for healthy people to consume, that is not the case for dialysis patients. Chloramines present in water used in dialysis treatment will enter the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, the Chloramines begin to alter hemoglobin in the blood. This alteration leads to a life-threatening condition known as Hemolytic Anemia. This condition causes red blood cells to destruct faster than they are being made by the body. Dialysis plants today use a large-scale reverse osmosis system to remove contaminants. This reverse osmosis system is the same option available for our in-home filtration.

Deterioration And Corrosion

Chloramines deteriorate rubber and corrode metal over time.

Rubber is present in more items than you realize in your home. O-rings keep many quick connection appliances from leaking. Some of these include:

  • dishwashers
  • washing machines
  • faucets
  • toilets

When the rubber deteriorates, it can be inconvenient and financially burdensome to replace. The more costly fix is when rubber deteriorates, and your appliance springs a leak. The water damage that may occur can be catastrophic to your home.

The metal corrosion due to chloramines has been a more recent discovery. Water treatment plants in Washington, D.C, in 2001, did not utilize corrosion protocols. This issue caused the chloramines to corrode the public water pipes and allow lead to enter the stream. Many residents had lead exposure and had to seek medical treatment.

The reason for this corrosion is due to the chemical property changes that occur. Chloramine water undergoes chemical property transformations when in public water treatment plants. The alkalinity, pH, and nitrification cause corrosion in the pipes. Nitrification is when the ammonia converts to nitrates in the water.

Skin and Eye Irritation

Perhaps one of the most significant complaints of chloramines are the physical irritation they bring. If you have ever stepped out of the shower with bloodshot eyes, this could be due to chloramine presence. Individuals that are sensitive to the chlorine in pools also get this reaction in their eyes. The difference is in the pools that reaction may take an hour or so, the shower only a few minutes. The reason for this time difference is due to the steam. When you shower, you are in a small space. The shower heat vaporizes to steam and is exposing your eyes and lungs to the chloramines. For those with chloramine sensitivity, your sinuses will also become irritated after showering.

Be cautious if you have pre-existing skin conditions, such as acne or eczema. The chloramines in the water will irritate these skin conditions. The result is excess dry, flaky skin. Acne can also become severely impacted and cause painful breakouts.

Unwanted Taste and Odor

One of the most common complaints is the metallic or chemical tinge in the taste of water. Many people describe their drinking water smelling or tasting like pool water. That is the presence of chloramines. To combat this problem, many homeowners use a refrigerator water system. However, the chloramines are still present. Appliance water filters are not capable of eliminating the chloramines.

So how do you eliminate these unhealthy contaminants?

How Do I Remove Chloramines From My Water?

Reverse Osmosis. As previously mentioned, dialysis centers use a large-scale reverse osmosis system. At Crystal Clear, we offer the whole house and under the sink options. Our reverse osmosis systems will remove 99% of water contaminants. Not only does reverse osmosis remove chloramines but also other unwanted additives.

  • Nitrates
  • Nitrites
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Lead
  • Iron
  • Sulfur
  • and so much more

These chemicals and minerals are harmful to your health and home. Our under the sink options ensure that your tap water is safe for consumption! Our whole house system will benefit your drinking water, showers, appliance, and pipes! Call our showroom today to learn about the options that best fit you. And be sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates, news, and offerings! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and, Youtube.

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