Are you a plant enthusiast? Plants offer so many benefits to our everyday lives and can brighten our homes on the inside or outside. As you continue to add to your plant collection, you may want to consider how you are caring for them.

You may know the basics, which are soil, water, and sunlight. But you may need to dive a little deeper if your plants are not thriving the way you had hoped. Did you know that the type of water you are feeding your plants is very important? There are many different water types that you could be feeding your plants that are not the best fit. Although it may seem “clean” to you, it may not be what that particular plant needs.

Here are some types of water you may be feeding your plants and their effect on the growth.

Rainwater: Rainwater seems like a no brainer, as plants’ natural home is outside; with rainwater as its main source. It is already soft and free of chlorine. If possible, try and collect rainwater for your indoor plants as well. If you want free water that is great for plant growth, consider finding different ways to collect the rainwater.

Tap Water: Tap water contains salts and chlorine that are not beneficial for your plants. Although this water is okay for human consumption, plants will not grow as well with these chemicals in the water. Also, be sure to test your water. If you have city water, it may be more regulated, so it would be good to know what exactly is in your water before you drink it or give it to your plants.

Bottled Water: If you have bottled water, you may be able to use it on your plants. Bottled water contains certain minerals that are useful to plants. It also does not have any fluoride, which could stunt growth in your plants. This is, however, expensive and doesn’t always make the most sense in the long run.

Softened Water: You may have a softener in your home to help with a ton of things! Softeners are great with keeping your appliances efficient, your clothes brighter, and your water taste better. But that does not mean it is the best option for your plants. Softened water often contains sodium carbonate, which may cause your plants to not grow as well.

Hard Water: Hard water can create limescale all over your appliances and pipes. Magnesium and calcium tend to be very abundant in hard water and can become visible. When you water your plants with hard water, you may end up seeing the mineral build-up on the pots. It can also adjust the soil’s pH level, which could affect the growth of your plant.

How Often to Water Plants

It all depends on what type of plants you have and how much sunlight they are getting. You need to monitor them on an individual basis, but you can usually water them every 1-3 weeks. When you first buy your plants, do some research so you can gather some knowledge as to what the typical watering schedule is. You also need to test the dryness of the soil. If the top few inches of the soil is very dry, you will need to water it. You can also check the dryness of the plant from the bottom of the pot. If you see that your plant is starting to wilt or turn brown, you need to look at the soil, possible disease, or figure out if you are under or overwatering your plant.

You also need to consider the temperature of your home. If you live in a hot and humid environment or keep your temperature higher, you will notice your plants drying out faster. If you place your plants in a sunny room, they may also need more watering.

And another thing to look at is what kind of pot you are using for your plants.

Have you thought about what kind of pot you are going to use? Did you know that the type of pot can impact how much you need to water your plants? Certain pots have the ability to lose more water than others. When you choose your plants, you also have to choose the right pot to go along. Be strategic and ask questions. Does this plant need more or less water? Does this drain well? Is this pot too big or too small? The size of the pot also matters!

If you plan to add some new indoor plants to your home this year, be sure to do your homework! Get your water tested, and make sure you know how much water each plant needs. And try not to get discouraged! Not every plant is going to thrive every time! But if you are trying to figure out why yours won’t grow, start first with the type of water you are feeding it! Quality matters!

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